How Much Does Pest Control Cost?

Discovering a pest infestation is an unwelcome situation, prompting an urgent need to assess the severity and determine an effective elimination plan. The gravity of the situation becomes apparent as improper handling can lead to significant costs in terms of both time and money, particularly when seeking professional assistance.

Addressing pest issues promptly and efficiently is vital to prevent further complications. Utilizing effective pest control methods is essential, whether through the use of products like Nemaslug 2.0 from Green Gardener or by seeking professional assistance. These solutions present an environmentally conscious approach to pest management, offering effective and sustainable means to combat infestations in gardens and outdoor spaces.

That said, if it does come to needing the help pest control services, then you will probably start by googling ‘Pest control near me‘ or something along those lines, followed by wanting to know how much pest control costs and what kind of pest control treatment is required to get rid of your pest problem.

This guide will discuss the pest control prices you will need to pay, what types of pests there are, and what signs to look out for so you can contact a pest control specialist to come out and handle the problem.

What is The Cost of Pest Control?

Let’s jump right into it and go over the average pest control costs to see what you may be paying depending on the pest and how many visits you need or the number of rooms that require pest control treatments.

When you contact pest control specialists, they will be able to go into this in more detail if you need it. This is just a scaled-down list for you to get the gist of how much it will cost to call out pest control professionals.

Rat and/or Mouse Removal

It may take around two visits to get rid of an infestation of rats or mice.

How Much Will It Cost?

You are looking at an average of 180 for this to be done, with it going up to 240. This may be because of the number of rodents you have in the home which may need more manpower.

Bed Bugs

If you suspect that you have bed bugs, then it is not simply cleaning one room, it may have to be an entire property decontamination to make sure that they have not gone into other areas of your home.

How Much Will It Cost?

Because of this scale of work, you are looking at around 190 per property, but that can be higher depending on how bad it is.

Cockroach Infestation

Just like with mice and rats, you could be looking at two visits to your property to make sure that they are completely eradicated from your home.

How Much Will It Cost?

The pest control company you use may quote you between 120 to 260 to implement their pest control methods in your home and surrounding areas, however, it could average out at about 190, which may still be seen as high, but think of the alternative, it is worth it to pay the pest control cost to get rid of these disease-carrying bugs.

Ant Removal

Ants are small and come in the hundreds, so they can easily overwhelm your home once they get into your walls.

How Much Will It Cost?

For one treatment you would likely be paying something around the 165 mark, but you may be able to get it for about 100, which will be easier on your wallet.

Having a Consultation

Before a pest control service comes out they will go over with you what you may be paying for your particular issues, and once they have assessed your property they will come back with an exact amount that you will be paying.

Call In a Pest Controller If Serious

If you know that you have a pest infestation at home or your workplace, and you keep ignoring it, the issue will only get worse. Sure, you could take some DIY pest control measures as well, but if they do not work, you would need to call in the experts from Albany pest control services, or somewhere similar.

Professionals have a fair share of ideas about how to get rid of pests effectively and quickly. They also have the necessary equipment and expertise to do the job in a safe and efficient manner, making your home a healthy living place once again.

Don’t Leave It Alone

Pest control jobs are not easy to do, so it is understandable that they will cost you quite a bit of money, and that will only creep up higher and higher if you do not get it sorted as soon as you are aware.

Factors That Will Affect Pest Control Costs

There are quite a few factors that will affect how much it will cost to call out professional pest control experts. So if you’re planning on doing some pest control for your home, you should consider a few points in order to get a fair estimate of how much it might cost.

Below are some of the reasons why the prices may be different and what that may mean for you.

  • Your location – your postcode will have an impact on how much it will be.
  • What pest control problem you have – some pests cost more than others to remove.
  • How big the problem is – if you have a large infestation, that is going to cost more.
  • Size of the property – bigger property means more ground to cover and potentially more of a spread.
  • What treatment is used – some treatments and methods will affect the overall price.

This is why a consultation is important before deciding on what you want to do.

You may be able to find cheaper treatment somewhere else so comparing is essential.

However, make sure you don’t go too cheap as they may not do a great job which would mean more money out of your account.

Types of Pests

There is no one pest (it would be so much easier if there was), so you need to know exactly what you may have and what to look out for.

Bed Bugs

These tiny creatures are pretty hard to get rid of as they are not easy to spot. So, they may not be something you can do yourself, you will more than likely have to call in a professional pest controller to sort out the problem.

Treatments Used

The use of insecticide as well as hot washing of all fabrics that have been infested, e.g. bedsheets, clothes, and furniture will be the normal course of treatment.


These pests are hard to capture and they can come in droves, they can be a nuisance outside your home but they also have the potential to come inside, so you will have to watch out for that.

Treatments Used

A fly exterminator will need to be called in to completely eradicate the breeding sites using insecticide sprays as well as traps.


Fleas can come into your home on your pets, and unfortunately, they can be quite common especially if you do not treat your pets as well.

They can get into carpets and onto furnishing, making them spread throughout your home.

Treatments Used

Insecticide will be used for this, as well as proper vet treatments to keep your animals safe and flea-free.

Bedding and other fabrics will need to be washed as well, and the house will have to be vacuumed thoroughly and kept up.


Yes, squirrels can be an issue inside your home and due to their large size they can cause quite a bit of damage if they are left to just roam around.

They can mess with the structure of your home as well as your electrical wires which can become a serious hazard.

Treatment Used

Spring traps, poison, and dry poking are traditional treatments.

The traps may be a more humane way of capturing them and putting them somewhere else, but that doesn’t mean they won’t come back.

The pest controller will weigh up the pros and cons and decide which treatment is the right one.


After reading this article, hopefully, you now know the answer to your question – “how much does pest control cost?” so you are able to better plan for the issue you have.

No one wants to deal with something like this, but unfortunately, it does happen, and you can only do the best you can to sort it out.

If home remedies are not working then call in pest control services as they will know what to do to help you get rid of these unwanted visitors.

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